"Eu passei a medir o adiantamento espiritual de uma pessoa não apenas
pela luz que a envolve quando medita, ou pelas visões que ela tem dos
santos, mas pelo que ela é capaz de suportar na realidade fria do
cotidiano. A grandeza de Cristo não residia apenas no fato de que ele
podia entrar em meditação e gloriosamente perceber a sua unidade com o
Pai, mas também por ele ser capaz de suportar os sofrimentos."
"He llegado a comprender que el progreso espiritual no se evalúa
solamente por la luz que rodea a una persona cuando está en meditación,
ni por las visiones que haya tenido de los santos sino por aquello que
día a día es capaz de soportar en el ajetreo de la vida. La grandeza de
Cristo no residía únicamente en el hecho de que podía sumergirse en el
estado de meditación para percibir con toda gloria su unidad con el
Padre y su absoluta identidad con Él, sino también en el hecho de que
podía resistir."
"I have come to measure spiritual advancement, not alone by the light that surrounds one when he meditates or by the visions he has of saints, but by what he is able to endure in the hard, cold light of day. Christ's greatness was not only that he could go into meditation and gloriously realize his oneness with the Father, his absolute identity, but also that he could endure."
"I have come to measure spiritual advancement, not alone by the light that surrounds one when he meditates or by the visions he has of saints, but by what he is able to endure in the hard, cold light of day. Christ's greatness was not only that he could go into meditation and gloriously realize his oneness with the Father, his absolute identity, but also that he could endure."
Sri Gyanamata, "God Alone: The Life and Letters of a Saint"
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