terça-feira, 28 de abril de 2009

It is your love that will save you

"You must not count on great achievements to save you and ensure your equilibrium. It is the little things that do the most good, and if you make a habit of taking them seriously you will develop an inner stance that will protect you. There are so many opportunities to make little efforts, even if it is simply picking up something in the road or on a path as you pass by – a piece of rubbish, an empty bottle – or pushing aside a stone or bits of glass that could trip and hurt someone. It is your love that will save you, and it is precisely through these seemingly insignificant everyday gestures that you can show your love. So always try to find something new to do, knowing that every little gesture made with care, sincerity and love is like a creature of light that comes to accompany you."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

2 comentários:

  1. Olá,
    Obrigada pela partilha...Para além do Amor Divino que existe em cada um nós há algo que nem sempre nos damos conta...A capacidade de acreditar...quando assim é os nossos Guias ajudam-nos,eles estão sempre presentes e gostam de nos ajudar...é por isso mesmo que são Guias. Não interessa o seu nome,apenas que nos "servem" em Amor Incondicional.
    Um abraço
